Meeting your SOUL
We live in the so-called “Information Age” — not yet “The Age of Wisdom.” What is that secret ingredient that transforms information and knowledge into wisdom? Knowledge of who you are.
Who are you and what are you here to accomplish?
Only if you know who you are in your essence, can you use information wisely to advance your life and the lives of others.
Join Rabbi Jack Cohen for a tour of the world inside of you that will get you thinking, and more importantly, get you seeing yourself for who you really are.

Jack Cohen
Jack doesn’t just teach. He really makes you think. As an experienced educator, author of the book “Nurture their Nature,” and thought leader, he brings his passion for helping people live happier, more meaningful and impactful lives to everything he does. He is currently serving as the Director of Education for the North American Region of Olami and teaches weekly classes in his neighborhood of Aventura, FL. Rabbi Jack also publishes short articles regularly at
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